"L’Arche – Kovcheh Cmmunity in Lviv, the first L’Arche Community in Ukraine, officially became a member of the International Federation of L’Arche in March 2008.
L’Arch-Kovcheh Community unites:
• 4 craft workshops, situated in various areas of the city. In our workshops core-members and assistants create various handicrafts including woven bags, decorative candles, icons, wooden articles, hand-beaded necklaces, greeting cards, clay and ceramic items, etc. We also enjoy cooking, going on outings, praying together and celebrating. Each workshop carries out 3-4 different types of craftwork.
• a Day Program for persons with profound disabilities. 17 persons with profound disabilities are transported to the program from all over the city by community transportation.
• a Respite Care House where core members spend time when need arises (parents are ill, or going away for some period, when there is a difficult situation at home or people just want to spend some time independently from their parents). It is also a place of friendship where community members can come together to share meal and to celebrate in warm home atmosphere. At present time the house called “Bethany” welcomes 4 core members and 3 assistants. The house was opened in November 2011.
• an Office (Coordinating Team), which coordinates and supports all the programs, organizes Community events (gatherings, Liturgies, outings etc.), provides trainings to the assistants and support to parents of persons with disabilities.
At present time L’Arche Kovcheh community brings together 100 members (71 persons with disabilities and 29 assistants, volunteers, Coordinating Team).
In the community, members with and without disabilities get customised support to discover, develop and share their unique - and often hidden- talents. Mutually transforming relationship and trust in God are at the heart of our journey together."